Initiating Goals of Care Conversations

No one likes contemplating their own mortality, let alone having tough discussions about it. Nevertheless, it is essential to engage in these conversations with both your family and healthcare team. This ensures that your desires for end-of-life care are followed. By openly sharing your goals of care, you can better prepare yourself and your loved ones for what lies ahead.

What are end-of-life preferences and goals of care?

End-of-life preferences involve choices about medical treatments you want or don't want if you can't decide for yourself. These might include life-sustaining actions like CPR, ventilators, and tube feeding, as well as comfort measures such as pain management and hospice. On the other hand, goals of care are personal and emotional goals that can guide medical choices near the end of life. For instance, these might include dying at home, being free of pain, or staying mentally alert.

Why are these conversations important?

Discussing your preferences about end-of-life care and goals can ensure that your desires are respected by healthcare providers, family, and others. It can also lessen the burden on loved ones managing tough decisions in a challenging period. By clarifying your preferences and goals, you can gain more peace of mind and serenity about the final of your life.

How can I initiate these conversations?

Initiating these conversations can be daunting at first. Here are some tips on how to get started:

1. Pick the right time and place:

Choose a time and place that allows for uninterrupted and private discussion. You might prefer to do it in person, over the phone, or through a video call, depending on your comfort level and location.

2. Share your motivations:

Explain why you want to have this conversation and why it matters to you. You might say something like, ?I want us to be on the same page about my care in case something happens to me. I want to make sure that my wishes are respected.?

3. Ask open-ended questions:

Start with open-ended questions to encourage your loved ones to share their thoughts and feelings. Examples include, ?What are your thoughts on end-of-life care?? or ?What would be most important to you if you were in my situation??

4. Be clear and specific:

Express your preferences and goals in clear and specific terms. For example, you might say, ?I do not wish to receive mechanical ventilation if it will not improve my quality of life? or ?I want to be as pain-free as possible, even if that means limiting life-sustaining treatments.?

5. Listen and be responsive:

Remember that these conversations are a two-way street. Listen carefully to your loved ones? input and be responsive to their concerns and questions. If you have difficulty understanding or expressing your preferences, consider consulting with a healthcare professional or a spiritual counselor for guidance.

Who should I be involved in these conversations?

It's important to include everyone who could be involved in your end-of-life care, such as family, friends, healthcare providers, and professional advisors. Although it may feel awkward discussing these topics with some people, including everyone who might influence your care is essential. This prevents confusion and possible conflicts later on, particularly when multiple decision-makers have different opinions.

What if I change my mind?

Keep in mind that end-of-life preferences and goals of care are not set in stone. It?s normal to reevaluate and adjust them as your health status or personal circumstances change over time. It?s important to communicate any changes in your wishes to your loved ones and healthcare providers so that they can adjust their plans accordingly.


Talking about preferences for the end of life and goals of care can be emotionally difficult, but it's vital to ensure your desires are followed, and your loved ones are offered guidance during a crisis. By beginning the conversation early, being clear, and involving all those making decisions, you can lessen uncertainty and ultimately achieve a serene and respectful end of life.

End-of-Life Care
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